Tag Archives: Facebook

Hello World!

There’s always something to say for things not said.  Each one of us has something to say but not quite everyone gets a chance to be heard or to be considered.  In this unimaginably grand universe that the Lord God has created, everything and everyone has their own place of temporary existence.  One voice is way too muffled against the 60-billion people or so who; each in their own way has something to say and has the need to be heard.  Not everyone can be Oprah, have a TV show and just say the word and subsequently millions will heed.  No, we all can’t be guests of Larry King or David Letterman just so we can clear a certain issue, tell a tale or simply put, say something. In the “fiber optics age” internet has become as much a part of our lives like shaving in the morning, or driving your kids to school or picking up the laundry.  I wouldn’t be surprised if one day, a Facebook profile is all you need in place of the conventional resume’ in applying for a job (it might be already happening for all we know).  Personality profiles were just not enough.  We wanted more than marketing ourselves  with photos and personal details in the internet highway.  That’s when blogging started becoming a global phenomenon and why not?  Wouldn’t it be interesting to express your thoughts, tell your own side of the story, share something beyond the pages of your usual diary?  Much more, anyone from any part of the world can go through your blogsite and read your posts.  While they’re at it they already have paid attention to you, whether they like it or not.  One good thing about it is you get to talk about anything you want, your own standards, your own episode.  Afterall, it’s your own show  and you’re the producer as well.  Embrace the comments and nevermind the haters- they’re inevitable.  You must have written something that has stimulated  the emotions of the readers and that’s a mark, an accomplishment to the writer.

I’ve gone through a lot of blogs: some of which are informative, funny, dumb or even disgusting.  But what can I do?  Its their own- sorry I clicked.  I know some bloggers too, people I know personally and it’s interesting to note that they get hits even from people they don’t know.  For more times than I could count, I’ve tried to put up my own- you need to trust me on this one.  I start by coming up with a name, conceiving concepts, ideas on my initial post and all.  There’s just one small thing that I can’t seem to pull together: materialization.  One thing I’ve learned is that when you get some ideas brewing in your head, you have to immediately pour it on and serve immediately.  Otherwise, the fire dies, the enthusiasm gets cold and it never gets out of the pot.  So here I am again after being inspired to do another attempt.  And why not?  I’ve had a recent “liberating” experience that needs some story-telling for all its worth.  I can’t promise that this would be an everyday endeavor, not even weekly.  It depends on a lot of things actually.  But one thing sure: if it’s worth saying, then its worth posting.

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Posted by on October 24, 2009 in Backstage, Front Act


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